- :- Antigens and Antibodies
- :- Blood Group Chart
- :- Genetic Disorders
- :- Balanced Diets
- :- Mineral Deficiency Diseases
- :- Source and role of Principal vitamins
- :- Human Diseases (Diseases Caused by Protozoans)
- :- Diseases caused by Worms
- :- Diseases caused by Viruses
- :- Diseases Caused by Bacteria
- :- Important Medical Terms
- :- Commonly Used Medical Techniques & Device for Diagnosis of Disease
- :- Immunization Schedule
- :- Diseases and Associated body part
- :- Milestones in Medicine
- :- Important Institutes of Medical Research and Biotechnology
- :- Food Adulteration
- :- Human body at a glance
- :- Major Crops Producing States in India
- :- Major Spices Producing States in India
- :- Major Fruits Producing States in India
- :- Types of Irrigation
- :- Diseases of major Crops
- :- Plant Diseases caused by Mycoplasma
- :- Insect Pests of Major Crops
- :- Institutes of National Importance
- :- Important Discoveries
- :- Some Common weeds found in wheat and rice fields
- :- Important Weeds of Kharif Season
- :- Important Weeds of Rabi Season
- :- Some Common Pesticides
- :- Botanical names of common plants
- :- Animal Husbandry
- :- Indian breeds of Buffaloes
- :- Indian breeds of Cow
- :- Draught breeds
- :- General Utility Breeds
- :- Goat Breeds
- :- PIG Breeds
- :- PIG Exotic Breeds
- :- Horse Breeds
- :- Sheep Breeds
- :- Gestation in cattle and other animals
- :- Lactation period
- :- Africultural revolutions