- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Kuwait News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Kyodon Tsushin?
- :- Where is the headquarter of Middle East News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Agentstvo Pechati Novosti?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Norsk Press Service?
- :- Where is the headquarter of New Zealand Press Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of Pan-African News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of Philippines News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Pakistan Press International?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Press Trust of India?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Reuters?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Saudi Press Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Novinska Agencija Tanjug?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Telegraph Agency of the Sovereign States?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency United News of India?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency United Press International?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Xinhua?
- :- Where is the headquarter of Sri Lanka News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of Namibia Press Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of Zimbabwe Inter-Africa News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Indonesian National News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Associated Press?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Agence Parisienne de Presse?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Associated Press of Pakistan?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Australian United Press?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Malayasian National News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Caribbean News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency China News Service?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Canadian Press?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Ceskoslovenska Tiskova Kancelar?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Deutsche Press Agentur?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Exchange and Telegraph Company?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Agence Guineennede Press?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Ghana News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Iraqi News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Inter Press Service?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Islamic Republic News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Associated Israel Press?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Kenya News Agency?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Anadol Ajansi?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Australian Associated Press?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Agence Europe?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Agence France Presse?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Athenagence?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Angola Agecia Naticiosa N’gola Press?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau?
- :- Where is the headquarter of news agency Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associate?
- :- What is the short form of Kuwait City’s news agency ‘Kuwait News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Tokyo’s news agency ‘Kyodon Tsushin’?
- :- What is the short form of Cairo’s news agency ‘Middle East News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Moscow’s news agency ‘Agentstvo Pechati Novosti’?
- :- What is the short form of Oslo’s news agency ‘Norsk Press Service’?
- :- What is the short form of Wellington’s news agency ‘New Zealand Press Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Dakar’s news agency ‘Pan-African News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Manila’s news agency ‘Philippines News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Karachi’s news agency ‘Pakistan Press International’?
- :- What is the short form of Mumbai’s news agency ‘Press Trust of India’?
- :- What is the short form of London’s news agency ‘Reuters’?
- :- What is the short form of Riyadh’s news agency ‘Saudi Press Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Belgrade’s news agency ‘Novinska Agencija Tanjug’?
- :- What is the short form of Moscow’s news agency ‘Telegraph Agency of the Sovereign States’?
- :- What is the short form of New Delhi’s news agency ‘United News of India’?
- :- What is the short form of New York’s news agency ‘United Press International’?
- :- What is the short form of Beijing’s news agency ‘Xinhua’?
- :- What is the short form of Colombo’s news agency ‘Sri Lanka News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Windhoek’s news agency ‘Namibia Press Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Harare’s news agency ‘Zimbabwe Inter-Africa News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Jakarta’s news agency ‘Indonesian National News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of New York’s news agency ‘Associated Press’?
- :- What is the short form of Paris’s news agency ‘Agence Parisienne de Presse’?
- :- What is the short form of Islamabad’s news agency ‘Associated Press of Pakistan’?
- :- What is the short form of Melbourne’s news agency ‘Australian United Press’?
- :- What is the short form of Kuala Lumpur’s news agency ‘Malayasian National News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Dhaka’s news agency ‘Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha’?
- :- What is the short form of Ridgetown’s news agency ‘Caribbean News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Beijing’s news agency ‘China News Service’?
- :- What is the short form of Toronto’s news agency ‘Canadian Press’?
- :- What is the short form of Prague’s news agency ‘Ceskoslovenska Tiskova Kancelar’?
- :- What is the short form of Hamburg’s news agency ‘Deutsche Press Agentur’?
- :- What is the short form of London’s news agency ‘Exchange and Telegraph Company’?
- :- What is the short form of Conakry’s (Guinea) news agency ‘Agence Guineennede Press’?
- :- What is the short form of Baghdad’s news agency ‘Iraqi News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Rome’s news agency ‘Inter Press Service’?
- :- What is the short form of Tehran’s news agency ‘Islamic Republic News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Tel Aviv’s news agency ‘Associated Israel Press’?
- :- What is the short form of Nairobi’s news agency ‘Kenya News Agency’?
- :- What is the short form of Ankara’s news agency ‘Anadol Ajansi’?
- :- What is the short form of Sydney’s news agency ‘Australian Associated Press’?
- :- What is the short form of Berlin’s news agency ‘Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst’?
- :- What is the short form of Brussels’s news agency ‘Agence Europe’?
- :- What is the short form of Paris’s news agency ‘Agence France Presse’?
- :- What is the short form of Athens’s news agency ‘Athenagence’?
- :- What is the short form of Luanda’s news agency ‘Angola Agecia Naticiosa N’gola Press’?
- :- What is the short form of The Hague’s news agency ‘Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau’?
- :- What is the short form of Rome’s news agency ‘Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associate’?