- :- Who built the Pyramids of Egypt?
- :- What was the ruled of the great Pharaoh Akhenaten?
- :- Who was the most beautiful queen of the Ancient World?
- :- Mesopotamian civilzation flourished in which valley?
- :- Who unified Mesopotamia?
- :- Which dynasty of China started conducting Civil Services Examinations?
- :- Who was Mandarins?
- :- Where was Confucius born?
- :- When did Confucius died?
- :- On what basis was Taqaism founded?
- :- Who was Mencius?
- :- Who constructed the Great Wall of China?
- :- When did the Aegean Empire flourished?
- :- Who wrote the epic-poems Iliad and Obyssey?
- :- What were Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Thebes?
- :- Who was the Sky God in Greece?
- :- Who was the Sun God in Greece?
- :- Who was Zeus in Greece?
- :- Who was Apollo in Greece?
- :- What was the Renaissance in Europe?
- :- Who wrote ‘Sonnets to Laura’?
- :- Who wrote ‘The Prince’?
- :- Which family of Florence patronised various artists?
- :- Who wrote ‘Monalisa’ and ‘The Last Supper’?
- :- What is the most famous work of Michel Angelo?
- :- Who is Zeus?
- :- Who is Apollo?
- :- Who is Zeus in ancient Greek mythology?
- :- Who is Apollo in ancient Greek mythology?
- :- Who wrote ‘Utopia’?
- :- What was the aimed of Reformation movement?
- :- Who led the Reformation movement in Germany?
- :- Who led the Reformation movement in Switzerland?
- :- Who was the earliest nation state to emerge in Europe?
- :- Which age in the history of England is regarded as the ‘Golden Age’?
- :- What was the reign of Elizabeth I?
- :- Who was the first Stuart ruler?
- :- Who founded the House of Bourbons?
- :- Who declared ‘I am the state’?
- :- Who was liberated from the Moors in 1492?
- :- Which English Queen did Philip II married?
- :- When did the English renamed New Amsterdam as New York?
- :- When did the ‘Boston Tea Party’ incident?
- :- Who wrote the pamphlet ‘Common Sense’?
- :- Who wrote ‘The Declaration of American Independence’?
- :- When did the British signed the Treaty of Paris?
- :- The Slogan ‘No taxation without representation’ originated during which revolution?
- :- When was the Constitution of America came into?
- :- Who was elected the first President of America?
- :- Which period is called the ‘Age of Enlightenment’?
- :- Who was Montesquieu?
- :- Which is the most famous book of Montesquieu?
- :- Whose ideas had a great impact on the French Revolution?
- :- Who wrote the famous book ‘Social Contract’?
- :- In which book did Rousseau wrote that ‘Man is born free but he is everywhere in chains’?
- :- Whose ideas inspired the slogans of equality, liberty and fraternity during the French Revolution?
- :- Who wrote the famous book ‘The New Christianity’ (1825)?
- :- When was ‘Communist Manifesto’ published?
- :- Who wrote the ‘Communist Manifesto’?
- :- When was the first volume of ‘Das Kapital’ published?
- :- When was the ‘First International’ formed?
- :- When was the ‘Second International’ formed?
- :- When was Karl Heinrich Marx born?
- :- Where was Karl Heinrich Marx born?
- :- When did Karl Marx died?
- :- Where did Karl Marx died?
- :- When did the French Revolution begin?
- :- Who was the ruler at the time of French Revolution?
- :- When was Louis XVI executed?
- :- When was the executive power vested with the Directory?
- :- Where was Napoleon Bonaparte born?
- :- When was Napoleon Bonaparte born?
- :- Who defeated the Egyptians in the Battle of Pyramids?
- :- Who faced a crushing defeat in the Battle of Leipzig?
- :- Napoleon was banished to which Island?
- :- Which battle ended Career of Napoleon?
- :- When did Napoleon died?
- :- Who did the task of Italian unification?
- :- Who is known as ‘the sword of Italian unification’?
- :- Who was the custom union formed by Prussia?
- :- Who was Otto Von Bismarck?
- :- Who was the architect of Germany’s unification?
- :- Which policy was followed by Bismarck?
- :- Who followed the policy of ‘Blood and Iron’?
- :- Who was the ruler during the Russian Revolution (1917)?
- :- Who was the notorious Minister of Czar Nicholas?
- :- Who was Rasputin?
- :- When was the Czar Nicholas forced to abdicate?
- :- When was the Social Democratic Party formed?
- :- When did the Social Democratic Party bifurcated into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks?
- :- Which events has been called the February Revolution?
- :- Who was the leader of Bolsheviks?
- :- What did Nikolai Lenin promised to people?
- :- When was the New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced?
- :- When did Lenin died?
- :- When did Joseph Stalin assumed charge as the leader of Russia?
- :- When was the Triple Alliance formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy?
- :- When was the Paris Peace Conference organised?
- :- When was the Treaty of Versailles signed with Germany?
- :- In which conference was the League of Nations creation?
- :- Where is the headquarters of League of Nations located?
- :- Who was popularly known as Duce?
- :- Who were popularly known as the Brownshirts?
- :- When was Hitler appointed as Chancellor of Germany?
- :- Who wrote the book Mein Kampf (My battle) in Prison?
- :- When did the Second World War began?
- :- When did the German forces attacked Poland?
- :- When did Britain and France declared war on Germany?
- :- When was Pearl Harbor attacked?
- :- When did U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima?
- :- When did U.S. dropped the second atomic bomb on Nagasaki?
- :- When did the Japanese forces surrendered?
- :- When was the Yalta Conference organised?
- :- Which conference was organised to discuss the formation of the United Nations Organisations?
- :- When did the United Nations Charter become effective?
- :- When did the May Fourth Movement started?
- :- Where did the May Fourth Movement started?
- :- When was the Communist Party of China formed?
- :- When did the rule of Shogun ended in Japan?
- :- When did Meiji come to power in Japan?
- :- Which war developed between the USA and USSR after Second World War?
- :- When was Germany divided into Eastern and Western Germany?
- :- When was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed?
- :- When did the communist countries formed the Warsaw Pact?
- :- When did Germany reunited?
- :- When did the Korean War broke out?
- :- When was the South-East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) set up?
- :- When did the revolution in Cuba under the Fidel Castro?
- :- When did East Germany build a wall between East and West Berlin?
- :- When did U.S. started its ‘Star-Wars Programme’?
- :- When did the Soviet Union broke up into 15 Independent Republics?
- :- When did 17 African countries become Independent?
- :- Where was the system of racial segregation called Apartheid Practised?
- :- Who led the movement against apartheid?
- :- When was Nelson Mandela released from Jail after about 26 years?
- :- When was the Arab League set up?
- :- When was ASEAN set up?
- :- When was SAARC set up?