
Noble Gases

Noble Gases
  • There are six noble gases : Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xexon and Radon.
  • Also called ‘Rare gases’, as they are present in very small quantities in the air.
  • Radon is not present in air, it is the rarest of gases.
  • Also called ‘Inert gases’, as they do not enter into chemical reactions.
  • Helium is used for filling meteorological balloons and also used by sea divers.
  • Neon is used in making advertising signs. It gives orange-red colour to fluorescent tubes.
  • Argon is used to create an inert atmosphere in chemical reactions and in electric bulbs. It gives bluish-green colour to flouorescent tubes.
  • Krypton and Xenon are used in electrical valves and TV tubes and also in lighthouses and miner’s lamp.
  • Xenon is known to react with fluorine or oxygen to form its respective compound because of their very high electro negative and electropositive nature.
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