Source and role of Principal vitamins
Vitamin | Best Food Source | Function | Deficiency disease |
Retional : (Vitamin A) (Fatsoluble) | Carrots, Yellow and green vegetables, Other sources include butter, milk, fish-liver oil | Synthesis of the purple of the retinal rods. Maintains general health and vigour of epithelial cells. Hence essential for good skin and hair. |
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) (Water Soluble) | Whole grains, yeast, liver, egg, pork, nuts | Carbohydrates metabolism, Ensures normal functioning of the central nervous system. | Beri-beri : Partial paralysis of skeletal muscles and digestive disturbances |
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) (Water Soluble) | Cereals, legumes, milk, egg, liver, kidney, yeast | Essential carbohydate and protein metabolism especiially in the cells of the eye, skin, intestines and blood. | Arbiflavonosis : Characterised by corneal ulceration and cracking of skin (especially around the lips). |
Niacin (Water Soluble) | Lean, meat, liver, milk, eggs, nuts, whole grains | inhibits production of cholesterol and helps in the break-down of fats. Proteins and carbohydrates. | Pellagra : Characterised by dermatities (skin inflammation), Diarrhoea and dementia (loss of intellectual function) (3-D). |
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) (Water Soluble) | Salomon, yeast, yogurt, corn, spinach, cheese, cereals & legumes. Also synthesised by intestial bacteria. | Essential foraminoacid metabolism. Assists in production of antibodies. | Epileptioform : Seizures observed in children. Symptoms include dermatitis of eyes, nose and mouth; retarded growth. |
Folic Acid (Water Soluble) | Yeast, liver, green leafy, vegetables. Synthesized by intenstinal bacteria also. | Helps normal production of blood cells. Identified in chromosomes an important reproductive factor. | Macrocytic anaemia : Production of abnormally large red blood cells. |
Cyanocobalamine (Vitamin B12) (Water Soluble) | Liver, Kidney, meat, eggs, milk and cheese. (Note : Absent in vegetables, only Vitamin containing cobalt). | Necessary for red blood cells formation and normal functioning of nervous system |
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C (Water Soluble) | Citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage. | Influences permeability of capillary walls. Develops immunity against diseases. Forms collagen. | Scurvy : Swollen gums, teeth loss, bleeding gums, body more prone to infections. |
Calciferol(Vitamin D) (Fat Soluble) | Fish liver oil, egg yolk, milk, butter. Also synthesized in the human body by the skin under the influence of sunlight. | Controls calcium and phosphorus levels in metabolism which contribute to formation of teeth and bones. | Rickets in children, bow shaped hands and legs. Oesteomalasia (demineralization of bones). Bones prone to easy fractures. |
Tocopherol (Vitamin E) (Fat Soluble) | Wheat germ, fresh nuts, seed oils, green leafy vegetables | As anti-oxidant which protects lipids of cells memberances against oxygen damage | Deficiency not reported in humans, Causes sterility in rats. |
Phylloquinones (Vitamin K) (Fat Soluble) | Liver, spinach, cauliflower, green vegetables, tomatoes. | Assists in the production of prothrombin and other factors that ensure normal clotting of blood. | Haemorrhage : Subcutaneous and intramuscular bleedings due to delayed clotting time. |
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