B.D. Jatti was the Vice President of India in 1976 AD.
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) was established in 1976 AD.
Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar was established in 1976 AD.
Dr. G.S. Dhillon was the Lok Sabha Speaker in 1976 AD.
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the President of India in 1976 AD.
Guindy National Park was established in 1976 AD.
In which country the Winter Olympics were held in 1976 AD?
India got seventh position in 1976 Olympic Hockey.
India participated eleventh time in Olympic Hockey in 1976 AD.
Indian hockey team had Participated eleventh time in Olympic games 1976.
Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India in 1976 AD.
K.R. Puri was the Governor of R.B.I. in 1976 AD.
Mrs. Kanan Devi got Dada Saheb Phalke Award in 1976 AD.
The Olympic Hockey was organized at Montreal in 1976 AD.
The twelfth Winter Olympics was held in 1976 AD.
The work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Baliram Bhagat was from 05.01.1976 to 25.03.1977 AD.
The work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Baliram Bhagat was started in 1976 AD.
The work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Baliram Bhagat was started on 05.01.1976 AD.
What was the position of Indian Hockey Team in Olympic games 1976?
Where was the Olympic Hockey organized in 1976 AD?
Where was Winter Olympics held in 1976 AD?
Which Lok Sabha Speaker work duration was started on 05.01.1976 AD?
Who got Dada Saheb Phalke Award in 1976 AD?
Who was the Governor of R.B.I. in 1976 AD?
Who was the Lok Sabha Speaker in 1976 AD?
Who was the President of India in 1976 AD?
Who was the Prime Minister of India in 1976 AD?
Who was the Vice President of India in 1976 AD?
Winter Olympics second time in Innsbruck were held in 1976 AD.
Winter Olympics were held in 1976 at Innsbruck.
Winter Olympics were held in 1976 in Australia.