1978 AD.

Argentina and Netherlands reached in final match of 1978 World Cup Soccer.

Argentina won its first World Cup Soccer in 1978 AD.

Argentina won the World Cup Soccer in 1978 AD.

B.D. Jatti was the Vice President of India in 1978 AD.

Charan Singh and Jagjivan Ram were the two Deputy Prime Ministers of India in 1978 AD.

Eravikulam National Park was established in 1978 AD.

First Test Tube Baby was discovered in 1978 AD.

Freedom fighter Kalpana Datta was died in 1978 AD.

Holland got second position in 1978 World Cup Hockey.

Holland was the runner up of World Cup Hockey in 1978 AD.

How many bronze medals India got in 1978 Commonwealth Games?

How many gold medals India got in 1978 Commonwealth Games?

How many silver medals India got in 1978 Commonwealth Games?

I.G. Patel was the Governor of R.B.I. in 1978 AD.

In which country the Asian Games organized in 1978 AD?

In which country the Commonwealth Games organized in 1978 AD?

India got five gold medals in 1978 Commonwealth Games.

India got four silver medals in 1978 Commonwealth Games.

India got six bronze medals in 1978 Commonwealth Games.

India got sixth position in 1978 World Cup Hockey.

K.D. Hegde was the Lok Sabha Speaker in 1978 AD.

Morarji Desai was the Prime Minister of India in 1978 AD.

Neelam Sanjiva Reddy was the President of India in 1978 AD.

Netherlands was the final opponent of World Cup Soccer in 1978 AD.

Pakistan and Holland reached in final match of 1978 World Cup Hockey.

Pakistan got first position in 1978 World Cup Hockey.

Pakistan won its second World Cup Hockey in 1978 AD.

Pakistan won the World Cup Hockey in 1978 AD.

R.C. Boral got Dada Saheb Phalke Award in 1978 AD.

The Asian Games 1978 was organized in Bangkok.

The Asian Games was held third time in Thailand in 1978 AD.

The Asian Games was organized in 1978 in Thailand.

The Commonwealth Games 1978 was organized in Canada.

The Commonwealth Games was held third time in Canada in 1978 AD.

The eighth Asian Games was organized in 1978 AD.

The eleventh Commonwealth Games was organized in 1978 AD.

The eleventh World Cup Soccer was organized in 1978 AD.

The fourth World Cup Hockey was organized in 1978 AD.

The great freedom fighter of India Kalpana Datta was death in 1978 AD.

The World Cup Hockey 1978 was organized in Buenos Aires.

The World Cup Soccer 1978 was organized in Argentina.

What was Canada position in 1978 Commonwealth Games?

What was the position of Indian hockey team in 1978 World Cup Hockey?

Where was the Asian Games organized in 1978 AD?

Where was the World Cup Hockey organized in 1978 AD?

Where was the World Cup Soccer organized in 1978 AD?

Which country got first position in 1978 World Cup Hockey?

Which country got second position in 1978 World Cup Hockey?

Which two teams reached in final match of 1978 World Cup Hockey?

Which two teams reached in final match of 1978 World Cup Soccer?

