A. Nageshwar Rao got Dada Saheb Phalke Award in 1990 AD.
Argentina was the final opponent of World Cup Soccer in 1990 AD.
Chaudhary Devi Lal was the Deputy Prime Minister of India in 1990 AD.
Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma was the Vice President of India in 1990 AD.
Govind Pashu Vihar was established in 1990 AD.
Holland and Pakistan reached in final match of 1990 World Cup Hockey.
Holland got first position in 1990 World Cup Hockey.
Holland won its second World Cup Hockey in 1990 AD.
Holland won the World Cup Hockey in 1990 AD.
How many bronze medals India got in 1990 Commonwealth Games?
How many gold medals India got in 1990 Commonwealth Games?
How many silver medals India got in 1990 Commonwealth Games?
In which country the Asian Games organized in 1990 AD?
In which country the Commonwealth Games organized in 1990 AD?
India got eight silver medals in 1990 Commonwealth Games.
India got seven bronze medals in 1990 Commonwealth Games.
India got tenth position in 1990 World Cup Hockey.
India got thirteen gold medals in 1990 Commonwealth Games.
INSAT-1D satellite was launched on 12-06-1990 AD. under the Indian space programme.
Manas National Park was established in 1990 AD.
Mudumalai National Park was established in 1990 AD.
Mukurthi National Park was established in 1990 AD.
Pakistan got second position in 1990 World Cup Hockey.
Pakistan was the runner up of World Cup Hockey in 1990 AD.
R. Venkataraman was the President of India in 1990 AD.
R.N. Malhotra and S. Venkataraman were the two Governors of R.B.I. in 1990 AD.
Rabi Ray was the Lok Sabha Speaker in 1990 AD.
The Asian Games 1990 was organized in Beijing.
The Asian Games was held first time in China in 1990 AD.
The Asian Games was organized in 1990 in China.
The Commonwealth Games 1990 was organized in New Zealand.
The Commonwealth Games was held third time in New Zealand in 1990 AD.
The eleventh Asian Games was organized in 1990 AD.
The fourteenth Commonwealth Games was organized in 1990 AD.
The fourteenth World Cup Soccer was organized in 1990 AD.
The seventh World Cup Hockey was organized in 1990 AD.
The tenure of Indian Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar was from 10.11.1990 to 21.06.1991 AD.
The tenure of Indian Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar was started on 10.11.1990 AD.
The tenure of Indian Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh was completed on 10.11.1990 AD.
The tenure of Indian Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh was from 02.12.1989 to 10.11.1990 AD.
The tenure of R.B.I. Governor R.N. Malhotra was completed on 22.12.1990 AD.
The tenure of R.B.I. Governor S. Venkataraman was started on 22.12.1990 AD.
The World Cup Hockey 1990 was organized in Lahore.
The World Cup Soccer 1990 was organized in Italy.
Vishwanath Pratap Singh and Chandra Shekhar were the two Prime Ministers of India in 1990 AD.
W. Germany and Argentina reached in final match of 1990 World Cup Soccer.
W. Germany won its third World Cup Soccer in 1990 AD.
W. Germany won the World Cup Soccer in 1990 AD.
What was Australia’s position in 1990 Commonwealth Games?
What was the position of Indian hockey team in 1990 World Cup Hockey?
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