Blue-Green Algae

Blue-Green algae are modified cells in which photosystem-II is absent.

Blue-Green algae are non-cyclic photophosphorylation does not occur.

Blue-Green algae is nitrogen fixation is done through the enzyme nitrogenase present in.

Blue-Green Algae responsible for…

Blue-Green Algae store…

Included in Blue-Green Algae…

Trichodesmium erythraeum cyanobacteria have a unique structure among Blue-Green algae.

What are Blue-Green Algae responsible for?

What do Blue-Green Algae store?

What is absent in Blue-Green Algae?

What is occur in Blue-Green Algae?

What is present in Blue-Green Algae?

What is the structure of Blue-Green Algae?

Which are included in Blue-Green Algae?

