
African sleeping sickness is caused by the tsetse fly.

Amoeboid algae cause amoebic dysentery, gingivalis digestive and oral diseases.

Amoeboid eukaryotic cause amoebic dysentery, gingivalis digestive and oral diseases.

Amoeboid protists cause amoebic dysentery, gingivalis digestive and oral diseases.

Amoeboid protozoans cause amoebic dysentery, gingivalis digestive and oral diseases.

Amoeboid unicellular cause amoebic dysentery, gingivalis digestive and oral diseases.

Caused of Antihistamines Drug…

Caused of Antihistamines…

Giardiasis is caused by Giardia sp.

Leishmania sp. Kala-azar or Dum-dum fever is caused by the sand fly.

Trichomonas vaginalis causes leucorrhoea.

What disease is caused by amoeboid algae?

What disease is caused by amoeboid eukaryotic?

What disease is caused by amoeboid protists?

What disease is caused by amoeboid protozoan?

What disease is caused by amoeboid unicellular?

What is caused by the Giardia sp.?

What is caused by the sand fly?

What is caused by the Trichomonas vaginalis?

What is caused by the tsetse fly?

What is Caused of Antihistamines Drug?

What is Caused of Antihistamines?

