
Cell is a single unit generating current on account of chemical reactions going on inside it.

Euglenoids are unicellular flagellates like Euglena.

Euglenoids flagellates are unicellular flagellates like Euglena.

Euglenophyta are unicellular flagellates like Euglena.

Mycoplasma are the smallest living cell discovered date.

Peptidoglycan is bond protects the bacteria from thermal injuries.

The peptidoglycan cell wall contains Mg2+ ions which bind to teichoic acid.

What does peptidoglycan protect the cell from?

What is Cell?

What is peptidoglycan bound to in the cell?

What kind of cell is mycoplasma?

What type of cell are euglenoids flagellates?

What type of cell are euglenoids?

What type of cell are euglenophyta?

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