Algeria is located in continent of Africa.
Angola is located in continent of Africa.
Benin is located in continent of Africa.
Botswana is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Botswana is located in continent of Africa.
Burkina Faso is located in continent of Africa.
Burkina-Faso is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Burundi is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Burundi is located in continent of Africa.
Cameroon is located in continent of Africa.
Cape Verde is located in continent of Africa.
Central African Republic is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Central African Republic is located in continent of Africa.
Chad is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Chad is located in continent of Africa.
Comoros is located in continent of Africa.
Congo is located in continent of Africa.
Cote D’ Ivoire is located in continent of Africa.
Djibouti is located in continent of Africa.
Egypt is located in continent of Africa.
Equatorial Guinea is located in continent of Africa.
Eritrea is located in continent of Africa.
Ethiopia is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Ethiopia is located in continent of Africa.
Gabon is located in continent of Africa.
Gambia is located in continent of Africa.
Ghana is located in continent of Africa.
Guinea is located in continent of Africa.
Kenya is located in continent of Africa.
Lake Assal is situated in continent of Africa.
Lesotho is located in continent of Africa.
Liberia is located in continent of Africa.
Libya is located in continent of Africa.
Madagascar is located in continent of Africa.
Malawi is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Malawi is located in continent of Africa.
Mali is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Mali is located in continent of Africa.
Mauritania is located in continent of Africa.
Mauritius is located in continent of Africa.
Morocco is located in continent of Africa.
Mount Kilimanjaro is located in the continent of Africa.
Mozambique is located in continent of Africa.
Namibia is located in continent of Africa.
Niger is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Niger is located in continent of Africa.
Nigeria is located in continent of Africa.
Rwanda is a landlocked country in the continent of Africa.
Rwanda is located in continent of Africa.
Sao Tome & Principe is located in continent of Africa.
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