The concept of modern systematics was given by Julian Huxley, 1940 (father of neotaxonomy).
The concept of modern taxonomy was given by Julian Huxley, 1940 (father of neotaxonomy).
The concept of neo systematics was given by Julian Huxley, 1940.
The concept of neotaxonomy was given by Julian Huxley, 1940.
The concept of new classification was given by Julian Huxley, 1940 (father of neotaxonomy).
The concept of new systematics was given by Julian Huxley, 1940 (father of neotaxonomy).
Who gave the concept of modern systematics?
Who gave the concept of modern Taxonomy?
Who gave the concept of Neo systematics?
Who gave the concept of Neotaxonomy?
Who gave the concept of new classification?
Who gave the concept of new systematics?