Giani Zail Singh

Giani Zail Singh and R. Venkataraman were the two Presidents of India in 1987 AD.

Giani Zail Singh was the President of India in 1983 AD.

Giani Zail Singh was the President of India in 1984 AD.

Giani Zail Singh was the President of India in 1985 AD.

Giani Zail Singh was the President of India in 1986 AD.

Giani Zail Singh was the seventh President of India.

Indian President Giani Zail Singh was born on 05.05.1916 AD.

Indian President Giani Zail Singh was died on 25.12.1994 AD.

Neelam Sanjiva Reddy and Giani Zail Singh were the two Presidents of India in 1982 AD.

The seventh President of India was Giani Zail Singh.

The tenure duration of Indian President Giani Zail Singh was 25.07.1982 to 25.07.1987 AD.

The tenure of Giani Zail Singh the President of India was completed on 25.07.1987 AD.

The tenure of Giani Zail Singh the President of India was started on 25.07.1982 AD.

What was the tenure duration of Indian President Giani Zail Singh?

When was Indian President Giani Zail Singh born?

When was Indian President Giani Zail Singh died?

When was the tenure of Giani Zail Singh the President of India completed?

When was the tenure of Giani Zail Singh the President of India started?

