Gram Negative Bacteria

Features of Gram negative bacteria

Gives negative test with gram stain.

Gram negative bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics.

Gram negative bacteria cell wall is wavy.

Gram negative bacteria contain 20-30% lipid content and 10-20% murein.

Gram negative bacteria contain large amount of bacilli, capsulated, flagellate.

Gram negative bacteria contain lipids and murein.

How many layers do gram negative bacteria have?

Mean by Gram Negative Bacteria…

Mesosome, pellet, bacilli, capsulated, flagellation and teichoic acid are present in gram negative bacteria.

Mesosomes are less prominent in gram negative bacteria.

Teichoic acid is absent in gram negative bacteria.

The cell wall is two-layered, the outer wall is of lipopolysaccharide and the inner wall is of peptidoglycan.

The examples of gram negative bacteria are E. coil, Rhizobium, Xanthomonas.

The name of the inner wall in gram negative bacteria is peptidoglycan.

The name of the outer wall in gram negative bacteria is lipopolysaccharide.

The thickness of gram negative bacteria is 75-120Ǻ.

This cell wall is two-layered, made of lipopolysaccharide and peptidoglycan.

This cell wall is wavy and is in contact with the cell membrane only at certain places.

This is made of lipopolysaccharide and peptidoglycan.

What are gram negative bacteria made of?

What are gram negative bacteria?

What are Quality of Gram negative bacteria?

What is absent in gram negative bacteria?

What is Gram Negative Bacteria?

What is mean by Gram Negative Bacteria?

What is present in gram negative bacteria?

What is present in large quantity in gram negative bacteria?

What is present in small quantity in gram negative bacteria?

What is resistant in gram negative bacteria?

What is the name of inner wall in gram negative bacteria?

What is the name of outer wall in gram negative bacteria?

What is the thickness of gram negative bacteria?

What kind of ingredients are gram negative bacteria?

Which are Examples of Gram negative bacteria?

Which are types of Gram negative bacteria?

Which quantity of ingredients are gram negative bacteria?

Who comes in contact with gram negative bacteria?

