
Amoeboid algae move with the help of pseudopodia like amoeba.

Amoeboid algae take the help of pseudopodia.

Amoeboid eukaryotic move with the help of pseudopodia like amoeba.

Amoeboid eukaryotic take the help of pseudopodia.

Amoeboid protists take the help of pseudopodia.

Amoeboid protozoans move with the help of pseudopodia like amoeba.

Amoeboid protozoans take the help of pseudopodia.

Amoeboid unicellular move with the help of pseudopodia like amoeba.

Amoeboid unicellular take the help of pseudopodia.

How do amoeboid algae help?

How do amoeboid eukaryotic help?

How do amoeboid protozoans help?

How do amoeboid unicellular help?

How does the capsule help?

Peptidoglycan helps in cell binding and protects bacteria from thermal injuries.

The capsule protects the bacteria from pathogens and drying out. It helps in sticking to any surface.

What does peptidoglycan cell help?

Whose help do amoeboid algae seek?

Whose help do amoeboid eukaryotic seek?

Whose help do amoeboid protists seek?

Whose help do amoeboid protozoans seek?

Whose help do amoeboid unicellular seek?

