
Chrysophytes include diatoms and desmids which are mostly aquatic (both fresh and marine).

Diatoms include diatoms and desmids which are mostly aquatic (both fresh and marine).

Dinoflagellates are unicellular, motile, biflagellate, golden-brown protists.

Euglenoids are unicellular flagellates like Euglena that are found mostly in stagnant freshwater.

Euglenophyta are unicellular flagellates like Euglena that are found mostly in stagnant freshwater.

Kingdom-Fungi are heterotrophs.

Pyrrophyta are unicellular, motile, biflagellate, golden-brown protists.

These are unicellular flagellates like Euglena that are found mostly in stagnant freshwater.

What are chrysophytes like?

What are diatoms like?

What are Dinoflagellates like?

What are euglenoids flagellates like?

What are euglenoids like?

What are euglenophyta like?

What are Kingdom Fungi like?

What are Pyrrophyta like?

