National Emblem

Beach is the National Emblem of Denmark.

Beach is the National Emblem of which country?

Candelabrum is the National Emblem of Israel.

Candelabrum is the National Emblem of which country?

Candor and Huemul is the National Emblem of Chile.

Candor and Huemul is the National Emblem of which country?

Cedar Tree is the National Emblem of Lebanon.

Cedar Tree is the National Emblem of which country?

Chrysanthemum is the National Emblem of Japan.

Chrysanthemum is the National Emblem of which country?

Corn Flower is the National Emblem of Germany.

Corn Flower is the National Emblem of which country?

Crescent and Star is the National Emblem of Turkey.

Crescent and Star is the National Emblem of which country?

Crescent is the National Emblem of Pakistan.

Crescent is the National Emblem of which country?

Double headed Eagle is the National Emblem of Russia.

Double headed Eagle is the National Emblem of which country?

Golden Rod is the National Emblem of America.

Golden Rod is the National Emblem of which country?

Kangaroo is the National Emblem of Australia.

Kangaroo is the National Emblem of which country?

Kiwi, Fern, Southern Cross is the National Emblem of New Zealand.

Kiwi, Fern, Southern Cross is the National Emblem of which country?

Kukri is the National Emblem of Nepal.

Kukri is the National Emblem of which country?

Lily is the National Emblem of France.

Lily is the National Emblem of which country?

Lioned Capital is the National Emblem of India.

Lioned Capital is the National Emblem of which country?

Secretary Bird is the National Emblem of Sudan.

Secretary Bird is the National Emblem of which country?

Shamrock is the National Emblem of Ireland.

Shamrock is the National Emblem of which country?

The National Emblem of America is Golden Rod.

The National Emblem of Australia is Kangaroo.

The National Emblem of Bangladesh is Water Lily.

The National Emblem of Belgium is Lion.

The National Emblem of Canada is White Lily.

The National Emblem of Chile is Candor and Huemul.

The National Emblem of Denmark is Beach.

The National Emblem of France is Lily.

The National Emblem of Germany is Corn Flower.

The National Emblem of Great Britain is Rose.

The National Emblem of India is Lioned Capital.

The National Emblem of Iran is Rose.

The National Emblem of Ireland is Shamrock.

The National Emblem of Israel is Candelabrum.

The National Emblem of Italy is White Lily.

The National Emblem of Japan is Chrysanthemum.

