New York

In 1664, the English renamed New Amsterdam as New York.

New York is called the ‘City of Skyscrapers’.

New York is important for…

New York is located in USA.

New York is located in which country?

New York is situated on the banks of Hudson river.

New York is situated on the banks of which river?

The Biggest Cinema House in the world is Roxy, New York.

The headquarter of news agency Associated Press is in New York.

The headquarter of news agency United Press International is in New York.

The short form of New York’s news agency Associated Press is ‘AP’.

The short form of New York’s news agency United Press International is ‘UPI’.

Wall Street is located in New York.

What is the short form of New York’s news agency ‘Associated Press’?

What is the short form of New York’s news agency ‘United Press International’?

When did the English renamed New Amsterdam as New York?

Why is New York important?

