
Eukaryotic have a well-defined nucleus.

Nucleus – Nucleus contains protons and neutrons. they collectively are called nucleus.

Nucleus – The mass of an atom is concentrated in a small space called the nucleus.

Nucleus is the center of atom.

Protista have a well-defined nucleus.

Unicellular organisms have a well-defined nucleus.

What is Nucleus?

What is Nucleus?

What is Nucleus?

What kind of nucleus do eukaryotic cells have?

What kind of nucleus do Protista cells have?

What kind of nucleus do unicellular organisms cells have?

केन्द्रक (Nucleus) के खोजकर्ता कौन है?

केन्द्रक (Nucleus) के खोजकर्ता रॉबर्ट ब्राउन है।

