
Chrysophytes in Photosynthetic…

Diatoms in Photosynthetic…

Dinoflagellates in Photosynthetic…

Euglenoids flagellates in Photosynthetic…

Euglenoids in Photosynthetic…

How photosynthetic make their food?

Mesokaryon in Photosynthetic…

Photosynthetic are include single-celled diatoms and multicellular marine algae.

Photosynthetic contain chlorophyll.

Photosynthetic make their food through photosynthesis.


Pyrrophyta in Photosynthetic…

The chromosomes of dinoflagellates in photosynthetic are mesokaryon.

Types of photosynthetic include red and green algae, euglenbids, chrysophytes and dinoflagellates.

What are Dinoflagellates in Photosynthetic?

What are the chromosomes of dinoflagellates in photosynthetic?

What do photosynthetic include?

What happens in photosynthetic?

What is Chrysophytes in Photosynthetic?

What is Diatoms in Photosynthetic?

What is Euglenoids flagellates in Photosynthetic?

What is Euglenoids in Photosynthetic?

What is Mesokaryon in Photosynthetic?

What is Photosynthetic?

What is Pyrrophyta in Photosynthetic?

Which are types of Photosynthetic?

जिन जीवाणुओं में क्लोरीफिल पाया जाता है, वे प्रकाशसंश्लेषी (Photosynthetic) या परपोषित होते हैं।

