
Aerobic rods is representatives a pseudomonas, neisseria, nitrobacter, azotobacter and agrobacterium.

Cocci forming rods are representatives a bacillus and clostridium.

Cocci forming rods are representatives a bacillus and clostridium.

Cocci is representatives a pseudomonas, neisseria, nitrobacter, azotobacter and agrobacterium.

Cocci rods is representatives a pseudomonas, neisseria, nitrobacter, azotobacter and agrobacterium.

Endospore forming rods are representatives a bacillus and clostridium.

Endospore rods are representatives a bacillus and clostridium.

Enterobacteria anaerobic are representatives a salmonella, shigella, proteus, escherichia and photobacterium.

Enterobacteria are representatives a salmonella, shigella, proteus, escherichia and photobacterium.

Enterobacteria rods are representatives a salmonella, shigella, proteus, escherichia and photobacterium.

Facultative anaerobic is representatives a salmonella, shigella, proteus, escherichia and photobacterium.

Facultative anaerobic rods is representatives a salmonella, shigella, proteus, escherichia and photobacterium.

Facultative rods is representatives a salmonella, shigella, proteus, escherichia and photobacterium.

Gram positive cocci are representatives a staphylococcus and streptococcus.

Green bacteria is representatives a rhodospirillum and chlorobium.

Mycoplasma are representatives a mycoplasma.

Myxobacteria are representatives a myxococcus and chondromyces.

Non-sporulating rods are representatives a lactobacillus and listeria.

Prochlorobacteria is representatives a prochloron.

Purple bacteria is representatives a rhodospirillum and chlorobium.

Spirochaetes is representatives a spirochaeta and Treponema.

Sulphate bacteria is representatives a desulfovibrio.

Sulphate reducing bacteria is representatives a desulfovibrio.

Sulphur bacteria is representatives a desulfovibrio.

Sulphur reducing bacteria is representatives a desulfovibrio.

What are representatives of Cocci forming rods?

What are representatives of Cocci rods?

What are representatives of Endospore forming rods?

What are representatives of Endospore rods?

What are representatives of Enterobacteria rods?

What are representatives of Enterobacteria?

What are representatives of Gram positive cocci?

What are representatives of Mycoplasma?

What are representatives of Myxobacteria?

What are representatives of Non-sporulating rods?

What is representatives of Aerobic rods?

What is representatives of Cocci rods?

What is representatives of Cocci?

What is representatives of Enterobacteria anaerobic?

What is representatives of Facultative anaerobic rods?

What is representatives of Facultative anaerobic?

What is representatives of Facultative rods?

What is representatives of green bacteria?

What is representatives of Prochlorobacteria?

What is representatives of Purple bacteria?

What is representatives of Spirochaetes?

What is representatives of Sulphate bacteria?

What is representatives of Sulphate reducing bacteria?

What is representatives of Sulphur bacteria?

What is representatives of Sulphur reducing bacteria?

