
Aral sea is located in Russia Kazakhastan-Uzbekistan.

Baku is located in Russia.

Chelyabinsk is located in Russia.

Double headed Eagle is the National Emblem of Russia.

Gorki is located in Russia.

Intelligence Agency FSB is related to Russia.

Intelligence Agency G.R.U. is related to Russia.

Intelligence Agency K.G.B. (Komitel Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosty) is related to Russia.

Intelligence Agency SVR is related to Russia.

Ivanovo is located in Russia.

Lake Baikal is located in Russia.

Lake Caspian Sea is a Largest lake in the world, makes boundary with Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan.

Lake Ladoga is located in Russia.

Lake Onega is located in Russia.

Leningrad is located in Russia.

Moscow is located in Russia.

Pravada is the major newspaper of Russia.

Principal mountain peaks of Mt. Elbrus is located in Russia.

Russia is located in continent of Europe.

Russia is located in which continent?

The Deepest Lake in the world is situated in Russia.

The Largest Country (in area) of the world is Russia.

The National Emblem of Russia is Double headed Eagle.

The national game of Russia is Chess.

The twenty-first World Cup Soccer was organized in Russia.

The twenty-second Winter Olympics was held in Russia.

The World Cup Soccer 2018 was organized in Russia.

Tula is located in Russia.

Vladivostok is located in Russia.

What is the National Emblem of Russia?

What is the national game of Russia?

When was the First artificial satellite launched by Russia?

Winter Olympics were held in 2014 in Russia.

