Shivraj V. Patil

In which year the work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil was completed?

In which year the work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil was started?

Rabi Ray and Shivraj V. Patil were the two Lok Sabha Speakers in 1991 AD.

Shivraj V. Patil and P.A. Sangma were the two Lok Sabha Speakers in 1996 AD.

Shivraj V. Patil was the Lok Sabha Speaker in 1992 AD.

Shivraj V. Patil was the Lok Sabha Speaker in 1993 AD.

Shivraj V. Patil was the Lok Sabha Speaker in 1994 AD.

Shivraj V. Patil was the Lok Sabha Speaker in 1995 AD.

The Tenth Lok Sabha Speaker was Shivraj V. Patil.

The work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil was completed in 1996 AD.

The work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil was completed on 22.05.1996 AD.

The work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil was from 10.07.1991 to 22.05.1996 AD.

The work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil was started in 1991 AD.

The work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil was started on 10.07.1991 AD.

What was the work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil?

When was the work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil completed?

When was the work duration of Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj V. Patil started?

