
Define to Non-polar Hydrocarbon in Soaps…

Define to Polar Carboxylate in Soaps…

Define to Used of Soaps…

How can define to Non-polar Hydrocarbon in Soaps?

How can define to Polar Carboxylate in Soaps?

How to define to Soaps?

How to define to Used of Soaps?

Mean by Non-polar Hydrocarbon in Soaps…

Mean by Polar Carboxylate in Soaps…

Mean by Soaps…

Mineral salts of higher fatty acids such as stearic acid, palmitic acid etc., are called soaps.

Non-polar Hydrocarbon in Soaps…

Only sodium and potassium salts are water soluble and used for cleaning purposes.

Polar Carboxylate in Soaps…

Soaps is mineral salts of higher fatty acids such as stearic acid, palmitic acid etc.

Used of Soaps…

What is Effect of Cleansing Action of Soap?

What is mean by Non-polar Hydrocarbon in Soaps?

What is mean by Soaps?

What is Non-polar Hydrocarbon in Soaps?

What is Polar Carboxylate in Soaps?

What is Soaps?

Which are Used of Soaps?

