
In Good Conductors, Semi-Conductors, Insulators, Solids are divided on the basis of Electrical Conductivity.

Into how many parts can a Solids (Crystals) be classified?

On the basis of Electrical Conductivity, Solids are classified into how many parts?

On the basis of Magnetic Field, Solids are classified into 3 parts.

On the basis of Magnetic Field, Solids are classified into 3 parts. What are its types?

On the basis of Magnetic Field, Solids are classified into how many parts?

Solids (Crystals) may be classified into four classes depending upon nature of bonding in them.

Solids are divided into 3 parts on the basis of Electrical Conductivity.

Solids are divided into 3 parts on the basis of Electrical Conductivity. What are its types?

Solids with definite shape or structure are called Amorphous Solids.

Such substances which have definite size and volume are known as Solids.

Who is Solids?

Why are Imperfections or defects employed in Solids?

