
Actinomycetes are anaerobic bacteria.

Euglenoids are unicellular flagellates like Euglena.

Euglenoids flagellates are unicellular flagellates like Euglena.

Euglenophyta are unicellular flagellates like Euglena.

Fruticose form filamentous branches.

Fruticose lichens form filamentous branches.

Mycoplasma is the smallest living cell structure.

Rickettsia are aerobic and gram negative bacteria.

Solids are divided into 3 parts on the basis of Electrical Conductivity. What are its types?

System is classified into 3 types.

The simplest Compounds are of type AB.

What type of bacteria are actinomycetes?

What type of bacteria is Rickettsia?

What type of branch do fruticose form?

What type of branch do fruticose lichens form?

What type of cell are euglenoids flagellates?

What type of cell are euglenoids?

What type of cell are euglenophyta?

What type of structure is Mycoplasma?

Which are Types of Animals?

Which type of Compound is the simplest?

