
Variation in Acceleration due to Gravity (g)…

Variation in Acceleration due to Gravity (g) – The value of g is variable and can vary in some casses as mentioned below (R is treated to be radius of the earth, i.e. 6400 km)
(i) Variation in g with the altitude (height) from the earth’s surface The new value of g at altitude (height) h form the earth’s surface, is g’ = g/(1 + h/R)2 and if h << R, then [g' = g(1 – 2h/R)]
(ii) Variation in g with depth inside the earth The new value of g at a plane inside the earth with depth h from the earth's surface, is [g' = g(1 – h/R) ]
(iii) Variation in g due to rotation of the earth The new value of g at point p with latitude θ is g' = g – ω2R cos2θ